Monday, 18 July 2011

Day 48- All sorts

I've been a bit blog quiet for the past few days. Sorry about that. I've had a tough time fitting everything into my life. I'm starting to really not like making plans or having to be anywhere. Any change to my scedule really knocks me off kilter and I find it so hard to accommodate everything on mixed up days. On Friday night we went out of town to visit friends and it messed me right up I missed my workouts on Friday and Saturday. Friday's dinner was a bit messed but other than that I managed to stay on the diet by and large.

Was back at home on Saturday night and Sunday was all good. Had a lazy day but I did manage to get everything done which is great. And I'm back into routine and no more hospital visits this week so i got up and got my skipping done this morning liek usual. Resistance stuff tonight. I'm a bit of a abs addict I think. I think I must have quite strong abs as I always want to do an extra set to really nail the abs (apart from plank- I never want to do extra plank!) Chest stuff is my biggest obsticle at the moment. I still find push ups etc reallly really tough.

This part is still feeling a bit like a slog. But I am getting lots of compliments recently. And I bought a new jacket in size SMALL on satruday!!!! from Large to Small! Thats all I can say, my friend at work complimented the jacket this morning and all I could say was 'THANKS ITS A SIZE SMALL!!!' as you can tell, I am really happy about that.

I've got a fairly quiet week this week so I hope to be able to knuckle down and crack on without too much disruption.


  1. I hear you on the planks. They are up to a minute now.

  2. That's awesome on the jacket... very real world result, and I think you handled the compliment just right!

    - Fellow ab obsessed PCPer (although its definitely not my strong suit)

  3. Congratulations on the L to S move. That is mega!!!

  4. Looking great Fleur, well done!
